My mom loves butterflies and I had bought her a couple butterfly bushes several years ago to help attract more around the house. Any time I see a butterfly I think of my mom ,and I often buy her a shirt with butterflies on it. She probably thinks 'I like butterflies but I'm sick of all these butterfly clothes'.
Every spring I go down and plant flowers around the wheat drill and in her barrel. This year I felt bad because I had not taken down any flowers and mom said 'I told someone the other day that you had not asked what I wanted for mother's day, but I was going to tell you that I want flowers because you always plant flowers but you have not yet this year'. So needless to say, we made a trip into town that day for flowers.
I can not remember what the purple flowers are called ,but these have been at mom and dad's since I was a little girl. These flowers attract many butterflies too. I remember loving to pick these and place in a vase or jar. Some things you never out grow because I still love a bouquet of freshly picked flowers. I go to Aldi's and buy myself a 3.00 bouquet from time to time.
I can remember getting in trouble for picking my grandma's flowers. I loved her peonies and will always have those memories of sneaking around and trying to break one so I could ask if I could pick it because it was already broken. Her flowers were her treasures and we were not suppose to pick those. As she got older, she started giving me flowers each year out of her yard. I was just not old enough to understand that those were truly her prize possessions and she was passing those along to me.
Hey June Bug,
Guess what? I'm coming in tonight or I gues I should say today, now. My mom fell and maybe broke her hip so I'm on my way. Should arrive some time thursday morn'in. I was scheduled to come on friday night, we have a family reunion in jackson on sunday. I hope to come aand see ya and see all your new treasures and to meet the pups. I'll call when I get there so maybe we can get together. Looks like I won't be going to the reunion afterall and my mom won't be up for much renning around. Maybe we can have supper on friday night?
Oh I forgot. Do you want me to introduce on my blog. I was waiting for you to make a fresh post, I thought maybe I better ask.
very pretty pics :) I am adding you to my blogroll ok? xoxo mel
Hey June Bug, I just wanted you to know how much I enjoyed my visit with you all the other night. I could have stayed and visited all night and that little Emily is the cutest little thing. She is all grown up now. I will probably go back down in a month or so, see ya then.
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