Saturday, May 24, 2008

Dog induced sleep deprivation

My dear sweet friend across the miles has asked me to blog so we can keep in touch, share ideas, update family happenings, etc. :) So here goes..
The 4 howling hound dogs had me up at midnight and at 3 a.m, then again about 5 a.m... With faces like these, I can not hardly get upset with them but I have been sooooo very tired today.. I'm to old to have 4 babies..They have been out all day barking at everything so I'm sure the neighbors are ready to hang me high...I am hoping they sleep better tonight.. I would think they would be ready for a long night's sleep. I know I am.

The 100 mile yard sale is going on this weekend, and by surprise B was going...He asked me to go with him but I just was not up to it... He was looking for table and chairs, love seat and not sure what else. He wanted to take my truck so I used his today... running around town.

I did not make it to any antique stores today but normally try to hit at least one each weekend. I will try to download some pics of a few of my many collections of junk better known as 'June Bug Treasures'.

1 comment:

Chanda said...

I love it. Your dogs are to cute. In my next post I'll give you a shout out to all my tens of blog readers ok. I'm so happy you are doing this. I'll bet the family loves it to.